Sunday, September 29, 2024

Blog #5 Systems of Care

 Blog #5
What about the reading this week stood out to you?  Write one phrase or passage here.  Make sure to name the author. 
How is the phrase/passage relevant to you? Why did it stand out?
Identify or explain one question or connection from the readings this week.
Record a few (3-5) words or phrases that you associate with the words "research" or "data"?

What stood out to me is that it takes many collaborations and partnerships to carry out systems of care for mental health that are easy to navigate.     

"To create this system, we must strengthen partnerships among communities, youth, families, schools, government, businesses, non-profits, and provider agencies to improve outcomes, increase access to services and supports, and promote positive change in families' lives (Pg3)".

This passage could be universally used in many businesses.  I made the connection with my workplace. I work for the Boys & Girls Club of East Providence. It seems as though the outside partnerships (SNAP, HEZ) we have are firm, but the partnership among the employees of the BGC could use some work.  I believe if the YDPs, Directors, and Administration work together in a partnership, the outcome of our programs at all of our sites will be significantly improved. For example, they should hire multilingual staff to increase MLL support for our youth and families. This would assist families with registrations and building relationships between the staff, youth, and family members. 

Words I associate with  "Research" and "Data": study, inquiry, support, evidence, details


  1. I so appreciate how you are always thinking of ways to improve your workplace to better the youth it serves.

    1. Thank you, Jen! It's frustrating not being able to make the changes that need addressing.

  2. wow Tracy I love how you tied this into the job. I agree with you it is interesting how we as immediate team players do not have a coordinated system.


Blog #9 What will my YDEV Master’s Capstone Project be???

A t the end of this semester, you are going to have a broad idea of what your YDEV Master’s Capstone Project will be.  The first step is to ...