Sunday, September 15, 2024

Blog#3 Research Pizza menu/Reverse outline

 BLOG POST #3:   Write up this article in one of two ways:  1) Create a reverse outline of this article. How does the author set up their article chunk by chunk? Or 2) Use the Research Pizza menu to explain how this author approaches their content.

Crust = qualitative data collected- Dr. Bogad attended the Banter For Breakfast group for over a year and collected data through notes based on listening to debates and conversations.
Sauce= constructivist ideology- As the researcher, Dr. Bogad recognized and respected her relationship with the youth. As the adult, taking a back seat to being an authority in a youth space somewhat allowed her to share some of the power that the youth held.
Toppings= observations, individual interviews, focus groups- Dr. Bogad collected individual examples of conversations from youth that backed up what she was talking about. She did a lot of observing the dynamics in the space. She also engaged in dialogue to make sure that it was okay for her to be in that space with the youth.
I am giving the reverse outline a try.

    A. School Spaces
        1. Theoretical models
            a. Productivity ( Althusser)
            b. Docility ( Foucault)
        2. 'Work' spaces
    B. 'Non-School' Spaces
        1. Freedom from school
            a. 'on the loose' 
            b. 'real learning'
    C. Safe Spaces
        1. Construction of Power
            a. Undermining adults' authority in youth spaces
            b. Dynamics of coolness (maleness)
            c. Examples
        2. Hierarchy of Credibility
        3. Coolness
            a. Public distinction (masculine)
            b. Private distinction (feminine)
            c. Examples


  1. Love this! Nice job taking a dense text and mapping in in two ways!!

  2. I did not read this article but looking at your blog after class yesterday helped me understand better. This was a great breakdown!


Blog#3 Research Pizza menu/Reverse outline

  BLOG POST #3:   Write up this article in one of two ways:  1) Create a reverse outline of this article. How does the author set up their...