Sunday, September 15, 2024

Blog#3 Research Pizza menu/Reverse outline

 BLOG POST #3:   Write up this article in one of two ways:  1) Create a reverse outline of this article. How does the author set up their article chunk by chunk? Or 2) Use the Research Pizza menu to explain how this author approaches their content.

Crust = qualitative data collected- Dr. Bogad attended the Banter For Breakfast group for over a year and collected data through notes based on listening to debates and conversations.
Sauce= constructivist ideology- As the researcher, Dr. Bogad recognized and respected her relationship with the youth. As the adult, taking a back seat to being an authority in a youth space somewhat allowed her to share some of the power that the youth held.
Toppings= observations, individual interviews, focus groups- Dr. Bogad collected individual examples of conversations from youth that backed up what she was talking about. She did a lot of observing the dynamics in the space. She also engaged in dialogue to make sure that it was okay for her to be in that space with the youth.
I am giving the reverse outline a try.

    A. School Spaces
        1. Theoretical models
            a. Productivity ( Althusser)
            b. Docility ( Foucault)
        2. 'Work' spaces
    B. 'Non-School' Spaces
        1. Freedom from school
            a. 'on the loose' 
            b. 'real learning'
    C. Safe Spaces
        1. Construction of Power
            a. Undermining adults' authority in youth spaces
            b. Dynamics of coolness (maleness)
            c. Examples
        2. Hierarchy of Credibility
        3. Coolness
            a. Public distinction (masculine)
            b. Private distinction (feminine)
            c. Examples

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Blog Post #2- Research Ideologies ( Post Positivism, Constructivism, and Critical Theory)

 BLOG POST #2: Take some time to make sure you have a general sense of these different research ideologies.  Where do you feel most aligned in these research ideologies? Then reflect on how these frameworks might shape your approach to one of the questions you pondered in your blog last week. (“If I were to take a post-positivist approach, I might answer my question this way….  If I took a Constructivist approach, I might answer my question that way.”) You don’t have to be sure – just wonder!

Where do you feel most aligned in these research ideologies?

I am most aligned with the Constructivist research ideology. The people-centered ideology works best for my style of work and the way I think.

Reflect on how these frameworks might shape your approach to one of the questions you pondered in your blog last week. (“If I were to take a post-positivist approach, I might answer my question this way…

Why is upper management not considering what isn't working for the company?

If I take a Post-Positivist research approach, I might generalize about ways to improve the company instead of being specific, such as "This company needs an upgrade," instead of expressing precisely what is not working and what needs improving.

If I take a Constructivist research approach, I might suggest some of the issues I see that need improvement for the company during our monthly staff meeting. As a constructivist researcher, I see upper management as having a mutual understanding with staff and suggestions to improve the company. It's about working together; knowledge is co-constructed. If the CEOs and administration work with the people doing the work, the suggested changes will make a massive difference in the company.

If I take a Critical Theory research approach, I might research what will work best for the youth at the club and advocate for positive changes that will affect the youth and the time they spend at the club.

Saturday, August 31, 2024

Blog Post #1- 20 Questions


BLOG POST #1: Research begins with questions, curiosities, and wonderings.  What do you wonder about in relation to your professional life? What questions do you have about things you care about in the world?  What burning questions do you want to figure out in your work-space? Something that is working (and why)? Something that is not working (and why)? Something you want to figure out… For this first blog post, make a list:  an actual list of at least 20 questions that you genuinely would like to know the answer to.

  1. What do I want to do as a job for the rest of my career?
  2. Do I want to work with young children?
  3. Why is upper management not considering what isn't working for the company?
  4. How is my job low on funding when they are part of a national franchise?
  5. How come my job's salary funding comes primarily from grants?
  6. Do celebrities and athletes who were former members of the BGC donate to our club?
  7. Why does management only train youth workers and directors for a short time?
  8. How come the BGC only has one 13-seat passenger van and hundreds of youth?
  9. Is there room for growth at my job?
  10. Do I want to continue to work for my job? 
  11. Why is the serving station in the middle of the games room? Is that the best place for it?
  12. Why are we beginning programs without having the staff to cover?
  13. How do you get hired for one position and set of hours and just get switched to another?
  14. How can I help children and have a career doing it?
  15. Am I ready to be a boss or ready to just coast into retirement? 
  16. Can I quit my second job and still survive?
  17. Is there a perfect job out there for me?
  18. What must I do to move ahead from my current position?
  19. Will having my Master's get me into a more lucrative position?
  20. Why don't I know what I want to do by now?

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Intro about Me


Hi, I'm Tracy, born and raised in East Providence, RI. I moved to Massachusetts for about a year then returned to friendly faces. I am married (22yrs) with a son (24yrs). We bought our 1st home in 2017, still paying for it, lol. Currently, I work at the Boys & Girls Club of East Providence as a site director for the state pre-k program @ Oldham Elementary School. This is a new position for me. I start on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. I will be working with little learners, ages 4-5 years old. This summer was difficult teaching this age group, I did not have a good experience, so I am hoping for a better outcome this fall. 

I am a 2022 Rhode Island College YDEV BA graduate! 🎓I took a little break then returned for my master's at the perfect time to finish up my education career with some of my undergrad cohort, also known as, friends.💗

I am still on a journey to figure out what I want to do with my life.  I'm not sure when I will find my specific calling but I know I am headed in the right direction I just have to narrow it down.


Blog#3 Research Pizza menu/Reverse outline

  BLOG POST #3:   Write up this article in one of two ways:  1) Create a reverse outline of this article. How does the author set up their...